Black Business Bloom: Keeping The Money Flowing Throughout our Community

Imagine a world where the power of unity and intentionality drives not just one billionaire, but a thriving community of us! With over 100,000 new Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs emerging each year and Black households contributing nearly $9,000,000,000 to the U.S. economy annually, it’s time to embrace the incredible potential that lies within our choices. We have the ability to change not only our lives but the many generations after us. Welcome to a realm where your spending becomes a force for change, where each purchase is a nudge for empowerment, and where we all become a part of something bigger than ourselves. Let’s transform our future, one dollar at a time.

Explore Our Roots: CreatedbyUs. and the Celebration of Excellence

Step into the world our space, where Founder Amirah A. Jones, a soulful Philly jawn with a decade-long love affair with Brooklyn’s vibrant streets, has made it her mission to continuously uplift businesses that reflect her own rich heritage. CreatedbyUs. was founded with the unwavering belief that the Black community embodies boundless creativity, innovation, and talent, serving as the true blueprint for virtually every realm of creativity. On Juneteenth of 2020, CreatedbyUs. was born, and it’s not just a directory – it’s a celebration of excellence. Here, you’ll discover remarkable Black-owned businesses spanning diverse industries, where each click is an invitation to a world of dreams, diversity, and undeniable brilliance. Join us in honoring the unyielding spirit of Black entrepreneurship.